A Small Peek Into V.O.T.F.P.

‘The Meaning Of Life’ ?

In The Beginning …

A War was initiated between Positive & Negative – Good & Evil – God & Satan.
People have unwittingly taken ‘sides’ and far too many have made the wrong choice.
Dystopia is not too strong a word to describe our very near FUTURE! and the time has come to ‘look’ at those choices.
The book excerpt below was written in rhyme because it is the easiest way for our Sub-Conscious Mind to digest positive information. It was written in 1987, first published in 1988, but is SO relevant to the times we are experiencing NOW!  and will be for the Future of Humanity itself.
Please take this time to Re-Set Your OWN Mind to the Positive State it was intended to be in. Or simply ‘confirm’ that You are on the ‘right side’ in this Ever-Lasting War.

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This is a Small Peek into the world of – ‘Visions Of The Future Past’

Please read and enjoy….. Then Get Your FREE! – Full Copy   Here!


V.O. T. F. P.

Visions of the future past,
are written now for you at last.
You’ve suffered long on planet earth,
and now’s the time for your re-birth.

A knowledge that’s been secret
throughout this universe,
has now been put on paper,
and can be read in verse.

The twilight zone of fantasy,
a beauty to behold.
Is a world of hope and honesty,
as your life will unfold.

This age is of AQUARIUS ,
enlightenment to all.
So join the throngs of learning,
don’t let the darkness fall.

To miss out on this journey,
through a mind that’s crystal clear,
would be like seeing Future World.
Then stand outside in fear.

Venture in, and you will see
the wonderful life of eternity.
Where wishes and dreams can all come true.
Where a brilliant light,
always shines through.


I’m writing now, what have we here ?
Will this verse become more clear ?
I fumble through my mind for facts.
My mind is saying, just relax.

My pen is moving on its own
as I sit here all alone.
Did I say ALONE just then ?
My friends have started calling in.

I wonder why they always call
when I’m sat here all alone ?
I don’t even know one name,
but they keep calling just the same.

They say they love to educate.
(You’re thinking that they’ve come too late)
But a greater teacher you won’t find,
than an uninvited, friendly mind.

When you find yourself alone,
with just a pen and paper.
Start a doodle, write some words,
it’s an educating caper.

You’ll find that friends will call on you
with educating wisdom.
You might not know them, this is true.
But your mind is of their KINGDOM.

Heaven Or Hell ?

When you see the sun in a blood-red sky,
do you feel a tingle in your own minds eye ?
Can you imagine what’s happening out there ?
The signs of life are everywhere.

The blood-red sky is a thing of beauty.
But so is the tiger,
who is also quite deadly.
We’re all given the signs so we might see,
just what we are doing to our own sanity.

Our mind is a heaven, or hell-on-earth.
It is pure and clean on the day of our birth.
We do have the choice,
is it heaven, or hell ?
If you live life for love,
you’ll be able to tell.

Just look at the sun in the blood-red sky.
Feel the tingle in your own minds eye.
Can you tell what you see ?
Do you see God bleeding ?
Millions dying, for want of a seedling ?
Perhaps you see people dying in wars.

If you do, you’re in HELL.

But the choice is yours.

The Game Of Life.

What are we ? I hear you cry,
as you see another die.
Why do we fight ? – Why do we hate ?
Do we have the answer ?
Is it all too late ?

If you recognise these thoughts as yours.
Do you run and hide behind closed doors ?
The truth is there as it should be.
As plain as day for all to see.

When you’re hiding all alone,
you’ve got the time to ponder.
Play the noble game of chess,
allow your mind to wonder.

Black meets white and white must win.
Portray the black as every sin.
The game of life is just beginning.
The ultimate aim in life is winning.

You’re just a pawn, small and weak,
but if you use your cunning.
You know that it is possible,
to start the black force running.

If you look down from above,
all forces must be equal.
But if the black is every sin,
it must not be successful.

The game of chess is just ideal
when finding peace of mind.
As every figure on the board,
is there for you to find.

The rook is all the higher ground,
bureaucracy and life.
It’s jealousy and envy.
Life’s trouble, and its strife.

The knight is all the armies,
the laws that are unjust.
Weave your way through all of these.
The knight is also lust.

Then we find the bishop.
A strong, protective man.
As every man is guilty,
you are no worse than he.
Guilty is now neutralised,
as he must surely see.

The queen in all her beauty,
a wonder to behold.
This mother nature we call earth.
Her secrets never told.

Call her heaven, or call her hell.
The choice is yours,
you can now tell.
Threaten her with violence.
Threaten her with sin.
If this is the black queen,
she will let you in.

But I beg you, look into the eye,
of the mushroom of the atom.
Oblivion is what you’ll see.
The home of the Black King.
Dark, dark eternity.

Now call her ‘Heaven’.
Call her ‘Love’.
Thank her for the sky above.
Play the music she longs to hear.
Read the books that make life clear.
Live life for love, rich, or poor,
and she will open her secret door.

I can’t describe what you will find.
Behind the door of the beautiful mind.
But if you can imagine a heaven-on-earth.
Then you have witnessed the worlds re-birth.

Next time you cry, Oh no, why me ?
think about lifes destiny.
You’re playing chess, every day.
One false move, you’re on your way.

It’s easy to be lazy.
To think we needn’t bother.
We’re doing what the Black King wants.

Oblivion is For-Ever!

Money, Money, Money.

Money, money, money.
This word I hear you say.
Is the root of all that’s evil,
and that we’ll buy judgement day.

It’s true of course, it’s been abused.
Just the way religion’s used.
But just as there are holy men,
who only want what’s right.
So, there are philanthropists
who wield financial might.

They don’t ask for glamour.
They don’t ask for fame.
But they are very happy,
to be bankers in lifes game.

We all start as pawns,
but if we get right through.
We can become the White Kings’ Knight,
and be life’s bankers too.

If you see money as evil,
what I suggest you do.
Is look into the mirror
and see who looks at you.

Do you see the Black Knight,
with eyes for lust and greed ?
Or the milk of human kindness,
of which mankind can feed ?

Don’t be afraid of money.
It’s life’s eternal honey.
It puts the icing on the cake.
When the sacrifice for love you make.

Life pays us back with high rewards,
if we can strike the vital chords.
That’s why the music world is strong.
They have the chord in every song.

When we buy the peaceful day.
The music world will pay the way.

In A Broken Dream.

A broken dream ? – coincidence”
I’m sure I hear you say.
But a mind that we can’t see or hear
has no other way.

A visit to our conscious mind,
can prove all too traumatic.
So they visit while we’re sleeping,
while our conscious mind is static.

But then they have to prove to us
that what we dreamed was true.
A broken dream will break the code.
Lifes warnings stare at you.

A helping hand is offered,
through music and the arts.
The world’s a stage.
We are the act.

The mind writes all the parts.

When you’re in the play of life,
you must learn all your lines.
Make too many errors,
and life imposes fines.

The play of life has a mind of its own.

Through broken dreams, you will be shown.


The mystery of E.S.P.
We think we have, what we can’t see.
But if we are all pure in mind
and the force of the mind creates mankind.

Mankind creates all we can see
and we think we forge our destiny.
If this is so, I can’t see why,
we can’t speak through our minds eye.

The power is there for all to see.
The positive mind’s pure energy.
The mind of man – it nurtures hate.
Our negative thoughts all neutralise
the positive visions in our minds eyes.

On E.S.P we can depend.
We ought to trust this faithful friend.
When we all act honestly.
Friends and family will then see,
the pleasure that it gives to you,
as you Love Life on this Moon so Blue.

Your positive mind will radiate,
and neutralise our nurtured hate.
With the ‘power of thought’ getting stronger.

Planet Earth will last much longer.


The future’s waiting
Golden thoughts flashing.
Crystal lights singing.
The misty blue humming of eternity.
Cymbals ringing through my mind.
The drums pushing me,
higher, lower, higher, lower.
I’m racing now, faster than light.
No fear or suspicion – absolute trust.
Electric blue now visible.
Sparks flying as I rush through.
They don’t harm me, they warm me.
Voices calm, distorted, friendly.
I’m welcomed in their Heaven.

They are pure light.

Absolute energy.

Perfect mind.

GOD ??

The Gift of Love.

It’s Christmas, and my presents
all fit inside a sock.
I’m thrilled to bits to find some nuts,
an apple and a pear.
But wait, what’s this,
another present there?

A little plastic notebook,
real crocodile skin for sure.
I can write out special secrets now,
and post them through the door.

My friend and I are getting old,
we’re eight now don’t you know.
The sisters in the big house,
our love we can now show.

Corrinne – Stanley loves you”
seemed to be just right.
We crept up to the door,
slipped it through and ran with fright.

We watched then from a distance,
behind the hawthorn tree.
Stanley tried to push me back.
The thorns all stuck in me.

It made me scream and shout,
as Stanley picked me out.
Then to my despair,
I saw Corrinne standing there.

With her sisters she was laughing
for all her worth at me.
But I didn’t find it funny,
falling back into that tree.

The message from the notebook
served a purpose, that’s for sure.
As after that, we were good friends.
No need to slip notes through the door.

The notebook?
nothing special”,
I can hear you say.
But without that piece of paper,
we’d have missed a special day.

I might have had a bicycle,
toy cars, or books galore.
But the memory of ‘that little book’
will stay, forever more.

A gift of LOVE was given.
It was all could be afforded.
I took the gift of LOVE with pride,

And So….

I was rewarded.


A light came screaming
through the door of solid oak.
The brass bolts and hinges still all fixed.
A thousand fit, strong strangers
had been beating at that door.
But it never gave an inch that you could tell.

Flames were thrown.
The axe was wielded.
All in vein it seems.
Just then, a light came screaming.
I felt I must be dreaming,
as it filtered through
and lightened up my mind.

Crystals were vibrating
to a sound of pure vision.
A rainbow chased a diamond o’er the floor.
A shimmering mist was growing.
A blue light now was showing
the diamond and the rainbow at the door.

They were both warm and friendly
as they offered me their trust.
They would guide me through
where Angels fear to tread.

The Reaper started smiling
as only he knows how.
The light of life had entered
where nothing else would go.
It started then to put on such a show.

The Diamond played the lead
and the Crystals played the score.
The Rainbow coloured in reality.
The blue mist of love
filled the Reapers heart with joy.
Made him smile as he saw it all unfold.

The light of life shone on me
through a door of solid oak.
My protector, for so many years.
I imagined that the reaper had a heart so cold.
But now I know he truly has a heart of gold.

As I pull the brass bolts,
and push the door back wide,
a thousand fit strong strangers smile and say.
We’ve been knocking here a lifetime
just to brighten up your life”
Come with us, and we will make your day”

The smiles, I’ve imagined
in their thousands at the door.
But now I’ve seen the light show
I will surely know the score.

The diamond and the rainbow
keep these strangers mesmerised.
As I walk right past,
I smile, and agree.

The beautiful vibrations
of the crystals quell the fear.
The blue mist leads the way so I can see.
Now I’m going home to greet
all those who’ve always loved me.
But left me, oh so soon behind the door.

The glory of the pure light,
has offered me its sanctum
Where I shall live

And Love

Forever More.

The Light Of Life.

If a poet holds the light of life
and shines it all around.
Who lights the light
that burns so bright
and always lets them down ?

It’s said that they who hold the light,
will have their hands burned raw.
That when they hold the light aloft,
they will be kicked down to the floor.

The poets must be foolish,
for they have been advised
of the dangers that they face
as they put their thoughts to rhyme.

Would you hold that light so bright ?
Could you take the pain ?
Could you tolerate the suffering,
ridicule and shame ?

Could you lay your life out bare,
and let the vultures take their share ?
Could you cut your soul right open,
to let all of mankind stare ?

When the guilt of all our brothers,
finds a niche inside your mind.
Will you burn it out with the light of life ?
Or cut it out, with a red hot knife ?

Maybe you’ll just carry on,
with the life you call your own.
Let the poet hold the light of life.
As the way, they have been shown.

Let them have their hands burned raw.
Let them be washed up on the shore.
Let their body be cut for every sin.
Then why not rub the salt right in.

The poet’s there to be abused.
For all the time they hold the light
for all of us who are confused.

Ven Bunce.

UpDated: 31/7/2024 …………

It’s quite Amazing! how many people say; “God Will Save Us – Protect Us – Bring Us ‘Peace And Good-Will’ To ALL On This Earth” …. When what they SHOULD be saying is; “GOD Is In Danger – SATAN Is Winning The Cosmic War – Only Humanity Can SAVE Him NOW!” …. There is a Marked Difference and it is the TRUE! difference – GOD! Is Dying! – FACT!! – He’s NOT! coming to SAVE any of Us! – HE! is now depending on US! – YOU – Everyone – To PULL Together to Produce! The Life-Force/Energy that HE! Needs right NOW!! ….. HOW! Do We DO That?? … You carry on reading this page … You digest it and maybe even claim the full book – We have NO TIME To Waste!! …. You either think I’m a Blasphemer! – Or You Understand!! – Either WAY! – GOD Is Dying – The PROOF! is All Around You, everywhere You LOOK! You can see a Madness like You’ve NEVER SEEN BEFORE!! ….. ACT!! – But Act NOW! ……. End Of Update:


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