Elon Musk – Time Travelling – Time Lord – Sub-Conscience ?

A ‘Time Lord’ Sub-Conscience?

Nut Case, Conspiracy Theorist, Tin-Foil-Hat Wearing Lunatic!

Yes, I can hear You all shouting at Me now! But think about it. Below, this Tweet was published on Twitter;

Let’s just for arguments sake accept that a Time-Machine ‘did’ land in Egypt 1,000’s of years ago.
What AGE did it come from? We know that in the period the Pyramids were constructed they had some amazing intelligence about the Cosmos. They had a sophisticated society. They had Construction methods that to THIS DAY still baffle the Scientists, Construction Engineers and Archeologists Worldwide. Add to that the fact that Carvings ‘inside’ the pyramids and elsewhere, show Rockets, Space-Ships & Astronauts quite clearly (Among Other Modern Things) This isn’t fantasy picked out of the ether, it’s something you can Google from anywhere on the planet.

Now, let’s imagine that inside that time machine there was a ‘Time-lord’ – Maybe MORE than just ONE! – Maybe a multitude, sent here to prepare the World for an Agenda to SAVE the World from Itself (Much like the period we have ALL found ourselves in at this present time). Let’s also imagine that the Human Race in the Future developed the ability to ‘Transfer Consciousness’ from one body to another or once the host body had DIED! – Sound Familiar? – Elon Musk is working on ‘that’ while I’m writing this – In fact he says it a ‘Done-Deal’.

OK, what does that suggest? It suggests that (If You’ve read ‘Visions Of The Future Past’ – Free in this Blog) S.C.A.M’s can transfer from one ‘Human Consciousness’ to another in a Flash of Time! itself.
What if the Time Lord we’re focusing on was ‘all’ of our time’s genius’s?
He just moved on once He’d used their physical body and their Genius!
Either while they were still alive, or when they died.

In VOTFP – Coincidence is spoken about … You think Elon Musk naming his flagship company ‘Tesla’ is one such coincidence? After all, He’s using ALL of Nikola Tesla’s Theories and Inventions to DRIVE Tesla products, and SpaceX Rockets and products. Nikola Tesla also believed in the transfer of our minds and the tapping in of the FREE electricity that is in unlimited supply on every inch of our Earth. Elon Musk could be a ‘Tesla Clone’ – Or is he just a ‘Time Lord’ doing his level-best to SAVE Humanity?

OPEN! and READ! ‘Visions Of The Future Past’ to see how YOU can HELP Him finalise his Mission before the ‘Dark Forces’ Defeat! Him – And US! – For Eternity.

Would Elon Musk KNOW! He was a Host for this S.C.A.M ?? – NO! – He most certainly would NOT!