The Soul-Food Feeding Mind

The Soul-Food Feeding Mind

Copyright © VenBunce 2022

(Filchers Will Receive ‘Consequences’)

Since the beginning of Time, or at least Human Consciousness, we have fed our minds with ‘Soul Food’ that has led to Humanity progressing from Neanderthal Man to Modern Man. Our Creator fed us this Soul-Food from the ‘Universal Knowledge Bank’ of all information (The Oracle) where everything is held, to be fed to us as and when we need it for our constant evolution.

It can’t be fed to us on a conscious level because WE wouldn’t believe or recognise it, so it has to be fed to us through the Arts …. Art, Books, Theatre, Music, Poetry etc, etc. As the Authors/Producers of these Art Niche`s cannot be told that they are being used as conduits, even the artists/thinkers/producers themselves will DENY any responsibility to the passing of the most valuable information available to Humanity.

So HOW does the ‘Knowledge Bank’ or ‘Oracle’ feed these people without being seen, felt or heard ?? …. There is an ‘entity’ which has disguised itself by using a word that means Fraud or a Con’ …. It’s the Acronym S.C.A.M – ‘Sub-Conscious-Active-Mind’ which I’m sure you’d agree will lead MOST to give it as wide a berth as possible.

This SCAM flits from Mind-To-Mind seeking out the most Honest, Moral, Ethical Minds that it can. It will then reside there for as long as the Host Mind retains those qualities and feeds it with the knowledge that it needs to pass on to Humanity! It does this while the person is either sleeping, or while in a daydream/trance state. Please see ‘A Thought Of Thought‘ at My Blog.

If the Host Mind develops unsavoury mannerisms, thoughts, actions the SCAM will leave instantly! It’s then that things can go wrong! Because the Host – (Host Mind) will likely retain the credibility it/they earned via the SCAM’s passing forward of ‘enlightening’ information. Many people will ‘hang’ on their every word/action/product believing they are in the presence of Genius! When in fact, a Genius is ONLY a Genius for as long as the SCAM allows that genius to flourish. After that, they are a ‘Phoney’ even though they simply Will NOT! Know it themselves.

Over more recent years Music, Poetry, Writing, Art, Theatre and Film have been targeted by the SCAMS because of their popularity to the masses. If You have wondered why ShakeSpeare, Beethoven, VanGogh, Elon Musk, Kate Bush, Ven Bunce 😉 all seemed to have answers to questions that everyone asks, NOW You Know!

Keep feeding on Soul Food and be SURE to pick up ‘Visions Of The Future Past’ that will lay things out very clearly for You .

Also please go through My Blog Here!

I know this is short, but it’s merely an introduction to better things.

Thank You – Ven Bunce
