Lockdown UK


Pre Lockdown, where were we?
As free as birds over the sea.
But still we moaned about our lot!
We didn’t get, what we had got!

We wanted so much more to Lust!
Go to work to earn our crust?
You’ll tell me next I have no Right!
To stay at home, and sit real tight!

Work is for Fools, I hear You say.
The Government must PAY My Way.
It’s my right, to sit here tight.
Play my games into the night.

Next thing you hear, pandemic Fear!
We must Lock Down or Die right here.
We musn’t see our families near,
Girlfriends, Boyfriends, Partners dear.

Work? you say? OH No, not now.
Stay at home and wipe your brow.
The Covid seeks you everywhere,
Can’t go to work NOW my dear.

Figures rise, and figures fall.
It seems to make no difference.
We’re Locked-Down here like Prisoners.
By those we trusted, took the Vow!
To keep us Safe!
On their terms NOW!

We thought we had Democracy,
You know, the Vote and Choice!
It seems it was just illusion,
As our Masters dictate all reason.

We ‘are’ just Prisoners, that’s quite clear!
We’ve lost all Freedoms we held Dear!
Replaced by “Do This” – “Do That!”
Subservience is now our HAT!

Lockdown? Just another Word.
For Prison! Ruled by just ONE Turd!

Copyright Image result for copyright character symbol Ven Bunce 2021


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