So you think because of his Vast Fortunes and his ‘Enlightened’ Visions, that Elon Musk is somehow channelling the Genius of Nikola Tesla?
I would like to suggest that they are in fact Opposite Poles. One worked tirelessly all of his life to bring ‘life affirming’ inventions and thought processes to reality for the benefit of Humanity, but had all of his Life Works and Projects stolen from him by ‘Dark Forces’ and died Lonely and Broke.
The Other has worked tirelessly to increase his Wealth and his Influence by way of developing products and services that will ultimately bring a Dystopian state of ‘Human Subservience’ to the World. He is ‘backed’ by those same Dark Forces and as long as he keeps ‘his’ side of the bargain, his wealth will grow exponentially.
That is, of course, until those same Dark Forces come out from the shadows because their ‘STATE Of Ultimate Control’ of the Human Race has been successful. He may then find himself disenfranchised, Lonely & Broke as well…… ‘The Universal Soldier – Of Commerce’ ….
We all have two choices in life, we can follow a moral, ethical, honest life in the ultimate quest for Love in all of it’s forms. Or we can follow the course in life where greed, selfishness and the unrelenting quest for riches and material possessions over-rules everything else. With the ‘Greed Is Good’ mantra ringing loudly in our ears. There are enough successful people around who will tell you that ‘focus’ means to tread on other people in your ultimate quest, that Love is actually Sex, and the more you have, the more successful you will be. Sound Familiar? ….. ‘If I Were SATAN!’ …..
With regards to Elon Musk, you could say he has done THE most wonderful thing for Our World by developing and ‘pushing’ the Electric Vehicle concept into the main-stream and therefore helping to ‘save’ the planet. If you look at it in very simple terms, you might be right! But look at the concept from ‘start to end’ and you see a Human-Race under total control by that concept. With only EV’s being allowed in City-Centres and on Smart-Motorways. With their speed and journey radius being completely controlled by the satellites that SpaceX ‘already’ have up in space on the ‘pretence’ that they are there and being added to regularly so that we can ALL have Free Internet! – Not True!
Soon, our internet may be free, but our access will be ONLY for education, government websites, shopping, and commerce. Social Media will be Very Strictly Monitored and we will be De-Platformed if we stray even ‘slightly’ outside the parameters that will be SET by the ‘Dark Forces’ that are already governing everything we Think, Do and Say….. ‘The Human Survival Blueprint’ …..
We now get onto money. Our exchange for Life’s Free Energy. When we expend that energy we are normally rewarded with money/cash/gold etc, etc; We can use that ‘energy exchange token’ to make our lives more comfortable and to secure a happy future by maybe investing that currency into other projects/token systems (See Island Of Dreams) that will give us a handsome return on those Free Energy Exchange Tokens.
Now HERE! Is where Elon Musk has dirtied the waters some more. His journey started properly with the launch of Paypal, a very useful ‘Token Exchange’ via the internet where many of us STILL prefer to pay for products On & Off-line these days. It was a brilliant concept which has served those of us who are just looking for ‘convenience’ in everything we do in life – bank-payments being just ONE! But by encouraging us ALL to look to ‘Digital Payments’ as opposed to Cash, Money Orders or Cheques as the Norm’ now, we have walked voluntarily into a Trap that has been SET by those same ‘Dark Forces’ who can – at a moments notice – Empty our various Bank accounts with a click of a mouse, or the touch of a screen. When CASH has been removed as an option, we will DO as we’re TOLD by these people – Or Else!
Elon Musk has also been wholly responsible for the massive SURGES! Up and Down in the Crypto-Currency markets. Using them as his OWN Private casino where the House Always WINS! One Tweet or Instagram Post from Elon can send prices Soaring! or Crashing! Depending on his mood for the day. Send the currency/s SOARING and you can SELL at it’s Peak for HUGE Profits! – CRASH the market and you pick it back up again at Rock Bottom prices. Win-Win for Elon and ‘everyone’ sharp enough to follow him. But for Millions of Honest, Ethical, Moral Folk who ONLY wanted to provide for their Family in the future? Devastation because one man wanted to Fool Around with Crypto-Currencies – Or Does He? – Is he simply following orders? The Orders from those ‘Dark Forces’?
I don’t want to pick on Elon Musk, after all, he is only a Pawn in this whole game. Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Donald Trump, are all just Pawns in the Game being ‘Played Out’ to the detriment of the Human Race. It SHOULD be Your Responsibility to fight back AGAINST this Totalitarian Regime, but you do need the right tools/weapons to do just that! …. This is why ‘Visions Of The Future Past’ was written, and it is your ‘New Bible’ in this very un-even fight! – You thought GAMING was just for FUN! – You thought CHESS was just a GAME! …….‘The Game Of LIFE!’ …..
Well the Game just got a WHOLE lot MORE Serious!!….
‘Visions Of The Future Past’ isn’t a – Do This – Do That – manual, it’s a ‘Thought Processor’ that will ‘train’ your brain to Censor all of the Input that is ‘fed’ to you every second of every day. At present, you merely accept a ‘lot’ of what you’re TOLD via the media/social media/TV/the press etc, etc; – But once you remove the ‘fog’ that currently surrounds your Brain/Mind, suddenly it’s like seeing the world through X-ray-Vision – It’s Enlightenment in VERY Real Terms and an Awakening like NO OTHER!
Thank You, And Please Share! ….. Ven Bunce.
OH! … And Did I Mention – ‘Visions Of The Future Past’ – Is FREE!? 🙂