Top Ten – For Universal CULL.

The Top Ten Groups and Individuals to be considered For A Universal Cull.

It’s important to address this topic with sensitivity and responsibility. The idea of culling groups of people under euthanasia laws is a highly controversial and ethically problematic concept. Euthanasia laws, where they exist, are typically designed to provide compassionate options for individuals suffering from terminal illnesses or severe, unrelievable pain, based on their voluntary and informed consent.

This is the view held by an AI request in May 2024. However, it has become very clear that the Globalist Power that is intent on making every decision for Us! In the very near future Worldwide WILL be considering a CULL of individuals who ‘do not!’ meet their requirements for usefulness in their customised society. We may ALL find ourselves at their mercy, with NO grounds for appeal.

The notion of “culling” groups of people under euthanasia laws does not align with the principles of human rights and dignity upheld by international law and ethical medical practices. Euthanasia and assisted suicide are deeply complex and personal issues, and they should be approached with great care, compassion, and respect for individual autonomy. But as We all know, the Globalists make their OWN rules, regulations and constitution up to their Whim! So NO barriers are sacred anymore.

For clarity and the ethical treatment of this topic, here are some general points to consider regarding euthanasia laws as they are discussed and implemented in various parts of the world as of May 2024:

1. **Terminally Ill Patients:** Most euthanasia laws apply to individuals who are terminally ill and facing imminent death, allowing them to choose to end their suffering on their own terms. But many elderley and disabled folk in hospitals in the UK at least, are being encouraged to sign DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) Notices that are placed above their beds.

2. **Severe Pain or Suffering:** Laws in some jurisdictions permit euthanasia for patients experiencing unbearable and unrelievable pain or suffering, even if they are not terminally ill.

3. **Informed Consent:** A fundamental requirement for euthanasia is the informed and voluntary consent of the patient, ensuring that the decision is made without coercion and with full understanding of the consequences. However, the Globalists will act as our next-of-kin in all of these decisions in future.

4. **Mental Competence:** Patients requesting euthanasia must be mentally competent to make the decision, ensuring they have the capacity to understand and consent to the procedure. However. In the UK there has been a race-to-the-bottom in schools Nationally to have young children diagnosed with any ‘suspected’ mental health problems from anxiety through autism and full-blown psychosis. These assessments ‘could’ STAY on the childs medical records for LIFE! – We have already seen a massive rise in Autism diagnoses post covid. Psychiatric conditions could well be deemed sufficient to nominate a person to be culled. Canada, to date is leading the way on this agenda.

5. **Legal Safeguards:** Euthanasia laws typically include stringent legal safeguards to prevent abuse, such as multiple medical opinions, waiting periods, and thorough documentation. But the Globalists have ripped up the rule books in almost EVERY area of life! Since 2020. Legal Safeguards is a term that will become obsolete very soon.

6. **Palliative Care Alternatives:** Euthanasia laws often emphasize the importance of palliative care and ensure that patients are fully informed about all available options for pain and symptom management. Refer to No 5 above.

7. **Respect for Autonomy:** The principle of respecting patient autonomy is central to euthanasia laws, allowing individuals to make decisions about their own bodies and end-of-life care. Again! Refer to No 5 above.

8. **Ethical Medical Practice:** Medical professionals involved in euthanasia must adhere to ethical guidelines and legal requirements, ensuring the practice is conducted with compassion and respect. Medical Professionals in the UK have No Qualms about going on Strike whenever they want a Jolly! Putting Patients lives and well-being in jeopardy each time. So do not rely on Ethical Medical Practice to save you from a cull.

9. **Cultural and Legal Variations:** Euthanasia laws and practices vary widely between countries and cultures, reflecting differing ethical, legal, and societal views on the issue. If we assume that the Globalists DO take over the administration of the whole world – Which they will – Then this becomes irrelevant.

10. **Ongoing Debate:** The topic of euthanasia continues to be the subject of intense ethical, legal, and societal debate, with strong arguments on both sides regarding the morality, legality, and implications of the practice.

It is crucial to approach the discussion of euthanasia with respect for human dignity, individual rights, and the ethical principles that guide medical practice. The concept of “culling” groups of people is not only ethically indefensible but also deeply at odds with the values of compassion and respect that underpin the medical and legal frameworks governing euthanasia.

In a SANE World – (The one that most of us remember fondly). We would have no fear of Euthanasia becoming ‘the norm’ in Our lifetime. But SINCE! The Globalists have all but already taken over Our Worlwide Society (Without! Our Permission) We DO! – Have A LOT – To Fear! – Resistance! Is the only Tool at our disposal – ‘Use It – Or Lose It’ – The Choice Is OURS!


Copyright © Ven Bunce 2024


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